Today's Podcast:



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Host: Hello, and welcome to (your Podcast Group Name). I am your host, (your name).

Host: In this episode we are talking about (host now talks about the concern). 

Host: We have with us some very special guests, who would like you to join them in support of (your concern). Let's meet today's guests.


Guest One: say your name and a thank you 

Host: Responds with a greeting (Guest One

Guest Two: say your name and a thank you 

Host: Responds with a greeting(Guest Two

Guest Three: say your name and a thank you 

Host: Responds with a greeting (Guest Three

Section One: Topic  

Host: Please Tell our listeners (guest one) about (your this issue) and why you are so passionate about it. 

Guest One: Thanks, (Host Name). I am very passionate about (your issue) because this issue is (why is it important to you) to me. It not only effects (Who) and (who) but it also effects (who and/or what) and (Now tell us why these people matter.)

Host: Responses to guest one 

Section Two: Explanation and Support

Host: Ask about more information on the issues (from guest two):

Guest two: Give one fact on your cause (must be a fact)

Host: Responses back to Guest two and repeats the fact. 

Section Thee: Commentary

Host: Ask about what are some solutions 

Guest Three: Give one solution and why it would work 

Host: Responds and asks a question about the solution

Guest Three: answeres the question

Host: Responds back to Guest three answer on to the solution.

Section Four: Clincher

Host: Ask how can we all help? 

Guest One:  Thanks for asking, It is important that we work to solve (issues). We would like to ask... (request a specific action, but you can not ask for money. You want listeners to do something as a result of having heard your concern

Host: talks about how they like this solution and how they are going to participate in it.

Section Five: Recap

Host: Because you've only got a few seconds to reach our audience. Please tell us (give the name of guest two) how we can remember your (issue). 

Guest Two: Easily, we have a great Tagline, (Give us your tagline) and (why it makes your message crystal clear

Host: Repeats Tagline and why they like it.

Section Six: Extension

Host: Can you give us more information (guest three's name). 

Guest Three: For more information  (give us one organization working on this issue) and how they are helping.

Guest Three: and Thanks for (Choose One: Helping/Ending/Stopping/Joining...).(Concern) and rememberer (Tagline.)

Part Seven: Ending

Host: Reminds the audience on today's topic and why it is important.

Host: Talk to the audience about how they have the power to change the world. 

Host: (Thank the guest and say each name

Guest One: Say thank you 

Guest Two: Say thank you 

Guest Three: Say thank you

Part Eight: Call Letters

Host:  I would like to thank you the listeners for listening to (name of the podcast) and (something about spending time with you on this podcast).

Host: This has been (your name) AND I'VE BEEN YOUR HOST.   

Host: This podcast is sponsored by CMYK- Change Maker Youth Culture, a product of the artistic Youth Vision Collective, please follow us on Instagram, AYVwithUS, and find us on iTunes and Spotify as Multimedia502.

Podcast Editing: Add opening Music and Sound Links

Export: as a Mp3 file


Take one photo of the group's buttons and make the photo interesting and unique.

Take one photo of the group together wearing the buttons.


Today's Button